I hope April did not make a fool of you as the new month began. As usual, the first Sunday of the month is my chance to lead you around our top posts from this time last year. Some of you may remember these stories from real news media, and some of you may be totally oblivious to real life.
The way it works is really easy. The date and headline lead you naturally into a teaser of the post, which will hopefully be enough for you to investigate more. Simply click on the headline and you will be introduced to a new window containing that post from our archives. Brace yourselves, folks; you are in for a bumpy ride.
April 2014 Reslap Montage |
For the first time in the history of our website, we took down a published story. We published an April Fool story which had horrendous and unexpected repercussions, and in the interest of public safety, we decided to scrub it from our archives and attempted to remove it from the internet entirely.
The popular HBO series was still in it's infancy but was building enough of a loyal following to cash in on mass merchandising.
Talk of the Zombie Apocalypse is still going strong, but it may not be the zombies that we should be worried about. Find out what we should be doing to protect ourselves.
Brad shared his musical knowledge and insight regarding the lyrical accessory, the 'Na Na'. Find out which were the key songs across the decades.
The Slap The Penguin Awards are fast becoming and important way to recognize excellence within the STP Virtual Office. Find out who won what, and who our major half time performer was.
Everybody likes a good Top 10 list, so check out our top 10 hottest animated women. I think Brad might have some serious issues, maybe he should write a letter to 'Dear Tina'
This is the day that Baroness Margaret Thatcher died. Ian C gives a poignant and touching eulogy about this former UK Prime Minister.
After a number of gun toting weirdos went on a couple of killing sprees, the topic of gun control arose yet again. Feel free to chime in with your opinion on the Gun Control Poll.
I went to see the movie G.I. Joe: Retaliation so that I could write a review and not to ogle some of the hottest male upper torsos alive today. Read the review and see for yourself...
Once again, 'Dear Tina' comes to the rescue of someone who has an issue that they cannot solve. I was more than pleased to help 17 year old Samuel with his relationship problem.
The smartest man to have ever lived has issued a stern warning to the population of Earth. Find out what the fuck he is going on about. Has he flipped his marbles, or is there a darker reason behind his statement?
The headline speaks for itself. Just like this year, 2013 had a Winter which refused to go away and so the clever people at the weather center combined two seasons to create a 5th season.
Don't get excited about this one. This was just some self promotion of our social media outlets and a very bad joke related to social media. OK click on it just to read the joke, it's right at the bottom of the post. It's totally worth it, I promise.
As Alex Trebek would point out, "Lowes is spelled L O W E S". To certain members of the community, April 20th a.k.a 4/20 is a day for celebration. Want to know more? You gotta click the headline.
Yeah OK. Totally skip this one. I was misinformed by my source. They didn't even get the sex right.
Sometimes, this is the level of Dear Tina questions that arrive in my inbox. I have vowed to help everyone I can (and if you need help follow the link and scroll down to submit your own problem). It doesn't have to be a sexual issue, with my team of experts, I can give advice on pretty much anything.
Every penguin lover should know about World Penguin Day. Now you do too.
Yeah I know, when I read the headline I couldn't believe it either. Anyway, after all the fuss, it looks like he ended up in Vancouver, where the sexy like to hang out and play.
At first this revelation scared me, but in retrospect, it may have been a good idea to put Tebow on the payroll to throw a couple of interceptions. He couldn't have done worse than what the Vikes ended up with. Too bad it didn't work out last season, maybe they can realign for next season.
Unless there was an April 31st, that's it for our monthly reslap. Thanks for wasting almost as much time reading this as I did writing it. Let's all meet up in one month and do something way more exciting like paint each others toenails or swap fashion faux pas stories.
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