Guest Posts

So you want to submit a guest post? (scroll down if you want us to guest post on your site)

You can write about anything you choose as long as it fits into the overall style of our website. Most of us have a short attention span or a hangover so don't write more than about 500 words. If you are not a frequent flyer then we suggest you take a little time to familiarize yourself with our pages and what we do. Take a look at previous guest posts here.

Here are a few rules and guidelines to follow.
  • Your submission must consist entirely of your own work to which you will retain all author copyrights. We do however reserve the right to use your entry in any reasonable way as we see fit. We may also modify your entry where required for legal or comedy reasons.
  • You do not have to supply images to support your post unless you choose to do so. We may elect not to use any images that you attach in favor of our own self sourced images.
  • All submissions must be made via email attachment in a text, word or .pdf format for it to be considered. Anything that is not readable by reasonable means will be rejected.
  • Not all submissions will be published, especially if they are crap.
  • Feel free to include links to your own blog, website and social media pages, but please keep them relevant.
  • Anything else we think of as time passes or as situations arise.
If you think you can cope with all these constraints then send your work here.
Here are some of our previous Guest Posters and their work. Maybe we can see you join this esteemed list in the future.
Do you want us to write something on your blog?

Email to ask us to write a guest post. We usually don't charge unless you want us to totally whore ourselves out.

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