Monday, June 29, 2015

Look first, leap second

By +Brad Naylor

You may remember June 30th, 2012 when the scientific universe decreed that an extra second needed to be added to the year to account for the slowing of the earth's rotation around the sun. This Leap Second allowed the hyper accurate atomic clocks which run on International Atomic Time (TAI) to resync with Universal Time (UT1) which is defined by the rotation of the Earth. Well this year, on Tuesday June 30th we are getting another one.

Universal Time is slowing down
Universal Time - A visual representation

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Top Ten ways to avoid mosquito bites

By +Tina Cruris

Summer is here and so is the Minnesota state bird. For anybody who lives near still water during a humid and hot summer, you will understand how much of a pain the average everyday mosquito can be. I have researched tirelessly to find the top 10 ways to avoid becoming a tasty mosquito treat this summer.

Top 10 anti mosquito tricks
Top 10 anti mosquito tricks

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Celebrate LGBT Pride Month with a sandwich

By +Alexa Rankin

For many members of the population, June is LGBT Pride Month, and is celebrated to honor the anniversary of the Stonewall Riots. A series of spontaneous riots broke out in Manhattan, New York in response to a police raid on the Stonewall Inn on June 28th 1969. One local business is celebrating in their own way by making a special LGBT Sandwich available for this weekend only. 

LGBT Sandwich from the Original Sandwich Shoppe
LGBT Sandwich from the Original Sandwich Shoppe

Monday, June 22, 2015

Grey is unleashed on the general public

By +Brad Naylor

June 18th saw the release of the fourth book in E.L. James' 50 Shades of Grey series, 'Grey'. Rather than taxing her mind and challenging her writing 'talent', Ms. James opted to retell the first story through the eyes of billionaire bondagemeister, and hero of the first three books, Christian Grey.

Grey - Christian's perspective of the first book
Grey - Christian's perspective of the first book

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Oprah to feature on redesigned $10 bill?

By +Tina Cruris

The Treasury Department have announced that a newly redesigned $10 bill will be launched in 2020 and for the first time in history a US banknote will feature the image of a woman. The question on everybody's lips is "Which Woman?"

The Oprah $10 bill
The Oprah $10 bill

Monday, June 15, 2015

Orange Is The New Black causes crime spree

By +Ian C

A New York woman went on a mini crime spree around Queens this week, after binge watching the newly released Season 3 of the Netflix original series, Orange is the New Black. Florence Weber, 33, of Bayside, Queens had been waiting patiently for almost a year to get her fix of the prison comedy/drama, and was all set with a bottle of wine and the remote to catch up on the latest happenings in Litchfield Penitentiary.

Orange is the new Black
Orange is the new Black

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Top 5 ways to learn Chinese

By +Alexa Rankin

There are many methods of learning Chinese available today, across a range of budgets, each one using a slightly different style and with varying levels of results. Read on to discover the top 5 ways to become conversationally fluent in Chinese.

Top 5 ways to learn Chinese
The picture says it all. Top 5 ways to learn Chinese

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Scientists discover drugs on meteorites

By +Brad Naylor

A group of research scientists at the University of Oregon have discovered that 70% of the meteorites that they have studied have traces of drugs in their structure. The team have found evidence of THC, LSD, and MDMA on over 300 pieces of space rock including the world famous Willamette Meteorite during their 6 year study.

Willamette Meteorite covered with drug residue
Willamette Meteorite found to be covered with drug residue

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

What got slapped 12 months ago - June 2014

By +Tina Cruris

Hello and welcome to the month of June. I know these reslaps are usually reserved for Sundays, but the schedule was messed up by Sunday 7th and the next Sunday is half way through the month, so we ended up with a Tuesday post instead. Most of you don't read these on the day that we publish so it doesn't really matter that much anyway, it just gives me a chance to fill out the first paragraph with some small-talk.

For beginners, just keep reading an click the headings of any post that you want to read more about. For seasoned reslappers just click here and seek the treasure yourself. I apologize in advance for the low quality of the following montage, the images were not terribly inspiring for our graphics department.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Walmart workers fired after having sex with products

By +Brad Naylor

The management team of the Scottsboro, Alabama Walmart have fired 3 employees after they were discovered to be having sex, not with each other, but with stock items. Security video footage shows the 2 men and a woman having intimate moments with a variety of items in the stock room and in one instance, on the sales floor.

Employees having sex in Scottsboro Walmart
Employees caught having sex in Scottsboro Walmart

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Today is Sunday 7th

By +Tina Cruris

This is our second post promoting Sunday 7th, nature's antidote to Friday 13th. The idea came while writing a Friday 13th post, and we have been gently pushing for it's recognition ever since.

Lucky Sunday 7th
Most 'seven' images have a gambling connotation

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Caitlyn Jenner broke the internet

By +Alexa Rankin

What is it with that damn Kardashian family constantly breaking the internet. Do they not realize how many people are totally dependent on the internet for facebook, twitter and for work? This time it was Bruce (Caitlyn) Jenner posing on the cover of Vanity Fair as a woman.

Caitlyn (Bruce) Jenner
Caitlyn (Bruce) Jenner

Monday, June 1, 2015

Where are they now? Total Recall

By +Brad Naylor

For those who are old enough to remember 25 years ago, Arnold Schwarzenegger was one of Hollywood's biggest action heroes. With movies like Commando, Predator, and The Running Man already under his belt, the former Mr Universe took on the more challenging roles of Quaid and Hauser in 1990's Total Recall. By challenging, I mean that there was slightly more acting and slightly less action than Arnie's previous movies.

Total Recall Blu Ray
"...what if this is a dream?"

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