Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Bubes Says - Oppa Gangnam Style

Hello again, it's me Michael 'Bubes' Bublé. It's been a while since I was here last but now I'm back. Remember  Bubes and Bubes versus TMIMITW, (The Most Interesting Man In The World) well that was me. As you know, I am not well known for my original work, since I usually do better offering interpretations of other peoples songs, and that is what these posts are all about...

Bubes Says Oppa Gangnam Style
Bubes Says... "Oppa Gangnam Style"
It has long been a hobby of mine to sneak into movies and videos, and my friends here at Slap the Penguin used to document my activities. For some reason, those posts went missing during the change from 'My Twist News' all those years ago. We have finally got back together to restart that great tradition and remind everyone how versatile and photogenic I can be.

This is me doing my version of Gangnam Style called Bigband Style. Enjoy.

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