Saturday, September 1, 2012

Just Curious - September

Take a look at this month's poll. (Web version only- sorry mobile users) We are curious about your opinion when it comes to the best satirical news blog. This is a head to head face off between Slap the Penguin and The Onion, in which you can vote for your favorite. (There is a third, other, option if you have a better suggestion).
The Onion logo next to the Slap the Penguin logo
The Onion vs. The Penguin - vote for your favorite
Obviously, The Onion has been around a lot longer and has a substantial fan base already, but we are not afraid to go up against the big boys. Slap the Penguin is smaller, has less layers and it doesn't make you cry.

A penguin encouraging people to vote
This way to the poll
Every vote counts, and this is good practice for voting in the Presidential Election coming in just a few months.

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