Friday, November 1, 2013

November Caption Contest

First of all, I want to thank everybody who entered the October caption contest. We had some astoundingly funny captions and the winner will be announced below after the introduction to the November Caption Contest.

By now, you must know what to do. Look at the picture and imagineer a caption which makes the image funnier. You can use the COMMENTS SECTION below (preferred), or leave your entry on our FACEBOOK PAGE (like us while you are there) or enter by EMAIL.

Now take a look at this and let your creativity flow...

Slap the Penguin Caption Contest
Oh Caption, my Caption
Don't be shy, send us your witty caption. If you don't have one then scroll down and steal someone else's. Now it's time for last month's winner...

Last month's winner
"Doodie!" & "Warning! Horny Octopus on the rampage!"
We couldn't choose just one winner, it was split right down the middle and nobody budged so we have a 1st place tie. The mere memory of the pool scene from Caddyshack made "Doodie!" from Spalding Smails an instant winner. Equally funny was the entry from Scorp Sting who warned us about a salacious cephalopod with troublesome tentacles. For the rest of the entries you can click HERE and scroll down to the comments section.

Thanks again to everyone who played. It just isn't the same without you.


Theres H Hall said...

"Got Milk?"

Mouseketeer said...


Jared Sebesta said...

"The weather forecast never mentioned a cold front"

Anonymous said...

Those aren't puppies...!?!

Dalt Wisney said...

Disney opens a new new Hooters style restaurant chain called Squeakers.

Anonymous said...

So this is why everyone dreams of coming to Disneyland...

Anonymous said...

I'm so embarrassed. I come all this way and someone is wearing the same outfit as me!

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