Tuesday, March 17, 2015

St. Patrick's Day

By +Tina Cruris

Oh crap, it's 11:55 pm on March 16th and I just got the email that I have to write a St. Patty's post, so forgive me if this seems unprepared.

Happy STP atrick's Day
Notice what I did there? STPatrick's..?

So, yeah, St. Patrick's day. Another pseudo holiday where we adopt a nation as an excuse to drink, although unlike Cinco de Mayo, we drink green shit. Green beer, Silver Patron, Midori and Apple Pucker.

Green Shit
Yes I did!!!
Personally I think our esteemed leader, Ian C, said it best back in 2012. Take a look at his POST so I don't have to do any more work. Just make sure you come back to this page to make your comments so that I get the credit.

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