Wednesday, March 14, 2012

March Madness

Sorry to mislead you with the headline. This March Madness is about how for one day of the year every single American mysteriously develops some Irish ancestry and wears a green shirt suggesting a reason to be kissed. That day would be March 17th, also known as St. Patrick's Day.

An Irish Penguin
So, who was St. Patrick? He certainly wasn't a Guinness swigging guy in a 'Kiss me...' shirt, bugging those two cute Swedish girls who are oblivious to why everyone is wearing green and shouting "top of the mornin' to ya" in a bad Irish accent.

Anyway, I digress. The real point of this post is actually a shameless promotion for Taco Bell, or for one day only Tac O'Bell. On St. Patrick's Day they are giving away one free 'Irish' taco per person when they present the following coupon, so print it, cut it and cash it for your free taco.

Tac O'Bell Coupon
Print it, cut it and cash it
As a side note, I looked up lucky charms on g**gle and this is what came back at me...

Stop staring at my shamrocks
Lucky Charms - they're magically delicious!


Rick said...

Great post man, esp b/c I got a free taco out of it for lunch at work. But also the visual appeal was an added bonus.

Ian C - Slap the Penguin said...

Hey Rick. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoyed the free Taco. Stop back again soon, there may be some free resurrected bunny Taco's for Easter.

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