There are not many feelings worse than checking your rear view mirror and seeing the word ECILOP accompanied by flashing lights, and should the police have reason to pull you over, be sure you don't escalate the situation by using any of the following phrases.
Is something wrong, officer? |
10. Hey, you made me spill my beer.
9. I don't know how fast I was going, my speedometer is broken.
8. Don't you have anything better to do?
7. God, you're ugly.
6. Do you smell bacon?
5. If I gave you this nice shiny dollar, would you forget why you pulled me over?
4. I bet that night stick won't fit up my ass.
3. Tag. You're it!
2. Are you talking to me? You must be talking to me.
1. Book him, Danno.
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What mirror?
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