Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Ryder Cup 'cigar man' identified

By the time you read this, the image of  Cigar Guy and Tiger Woods' mishit stroke will have circled the interweb a dozen times, but we have the inside information that everyone is searching for.


It is none other than that European Gigolo, Rob Schneider doing research for his role in the new Adam Sandler movie Happy Gilmore 2 : Below Par.

Cigar Guy = Rob Schneider

The 'Hot Chick' star exclusively told us "We couldn't have paid for better exposure for the new movie. This image will be global in a matter of hours. Adam [Sandler] has already phoned me to tell me that cigar guy is becoming a phenomenon."

Update: More Proof

Update: Dress Like Cigar Guy for Halloween

.  o  O - - - - - O  o  .

On a side note, when I googled 'cigar man' the following image was the first suggestion on the list:-

A distinct lack of cigars and guys.


Jeremy from We Took The Bait said...

In a crazy ironic twist, if you Google "two hot girls with shamrock antennae pinching the ass of an equally hot girl sans shamrocks," it shows a guy with a cigar.

Ian C - My Twist News said...

I was checking the page stats and somebody DID google "two hot girls with shamrock antennae pinching the ass of an equally hot girl sans shamrocks"

Lal said...

There is a now a Bounty on Cigar Guys head

Nick said...

Oh man! I totally coined this!!!

I'm still so amazed by the things that circle around the net.

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