Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Trimming your Bieber

Ask any guy out there and the majority of them will say they prefer a Bieber that is neatly trimmed and well maintained.

Here are a few different Bieber stylings that have been seen throughout the ages. You can vote for your favorite below.

Freshly Trimmed Bieber

Messy Bieber

Shaved Bieber

Bushy Bieber

Young Bieber

Which Bieber hairstyle do you prefer


Unknown said...

I prefer an entirely bald Beiber, myself.

Deray said...

I agree with Tricia ;-)

JaneneMurphy said...

With this crowd, I think the shaved Bieber might just win out. Can't say I mind the kid, though. It's his fans I can't stand!

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