Thursday, November 20, 2014

Minecraft Nazi strategy guide discovered

By +Brad Naylor

The game of Minecraft continues to take the world by storm with an estimated 20,000 new players every day, pushing the total number of registered users beyond 50 million. This makes the world of Minecraft a lucrative business indeed, but not without potential pitfalls. In recent months there have been an increasing number of complaints that hate groups are attempting to use Minecraft as a recruiting tool.

A Neo-Nazi attempt to recruit through Minecraft
Neo-Nazi attempt to recruit through Minecraft
One Neo-Nazi group, known as 'The 3D Reich', is distributing a strategy guide called Mein Kraft to encourage players to follow the ideals of Adolf Hitler in the game by forming an army and invading other areas, massacring millions of other players based on skin color and religious beliefs, and having angry sex with the various farm animals found within the game.

The company which developed Minecraft, Mojang, was recently bought by Microsoft for $2.5 billion, who are keen to keep their expensive new toy hate free. Microsoft programmers are currently working on a multiplatform patch to prevent any hate driven actions from occurring in the game.

"We want players to kill each other for fun in the game," said Microsoft spokesperson, Åtta Bitman. "We will be rolling out a series of updates and patches to monitor behaviors and identify those which mimic deliberate hate crimes and may display holocaustic tendencies. We will also be incorporating an advertising and data-mining subroutine into the program which is why we bought the whole thing in the first place."

Minecraft Ad from Microsoft
Microsoft add crafty ads to Minecraft
Hopefully these steps by Microsoft will prevent Nazis, ISIS and Jehovah's Witnesses from using Minecraft to recruit fresh talent to their ranks, forcing them to go back to the old school practice of trawling facebook for new members.

Have you ever played Minecraft? Are you confused as to what all the fuss is about? Isn't it all just a virtual Lego game? Have you ever performed a hate crime against another Minecrafter? Do you think of Bruce Lee anytime someone says Ender Dragon? Please share your thoughts and opinions below in the comments section.

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