Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Happy fourth anniversary, STP

Today marks the 4th anniversary of Slap The Penguin. Actually, it is 4 years since My Twist News began, which then evolved into Slap The Penguin after about a year, and we have been evolving ever since. New writers, old material, product reviews and bad puns. Honestly, I don't know why we keep going, but we do.

Slap The Penguin - Fourth Anniversary
Here's to many more...
Nothing truly monumental has happened in the last four years for any of us at STP. No job offers for comedy writing. No retweets from celebrities. No likes from anybody famous. Oh there was the one time when Hulk Hogan's attorney sent an email demanding we take down still images from Hogan's alleged sex tape. That gave us material for a whole week.

Seriously, and I speak for all the writers here, we truly enjoy what we do. Not everyday, but we do have more good days than bad. If we didn't enjoy it we probably would have quit years ago.

We invite you to join us in celebrating our fourth anniversary by visiting at least four of our pages (not including this one). You also have the chance to share your opinion of Slap the Penguin by completing our survey which can be found HERE.

Also, if you would like to send anniversary gifts you can contact us here donations@slapthepenguin.com. Traditionally, fruit and flowers are exchanged for a 4th anniversary, so bear that in mind when looking for something to send us.

What is your favorite moment from the 4 years of STP so far? Share in the comments section below.

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