The penguin is having a quiet week, due to both sickness and a lack of material. Brad told me that there was nothing worthwhile to review in the new music category as is always the case this close to Christmas. Alexa is bedridden with a really bad flu and has not been checking in on the headlines.
Tina is on vacation and has unplugged herself from the matrix, while Menaj is way to busy with work during the build up to the holiday festivities,
As for myself, I have lost my voice and have a sick family, so we may not get much done during the next few weeks leading up to Christmas.
If anybody out there wants to help and submit a guest post then mail it to preferably in Word format, but we can pretty much open most file types. Make it funny, original and ideally topical. Check the archives and get a feel for the styles we write with. You will retain all copyrights, but we reserve the right to edit or modify for time and content.
We WILL be back soon.
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